

No Code Marketing ,Landing and Offers Pages Builder


Trusted By

Sharjah Charity
Awqaf Dubai
Swimming Store
Spinneys Egypt
 Eye World Hospital
مؤسسة نورالعيون للتنمية
Canada Post
الخليل كلينك
Coffee Hub


Easy Online Editor

Create MicroPages for your marketing campaigns in a second, with built-in Mobile UI preview.

  • Segment and ReEngage Customers / Acquisition Channel

  • Revenue / Customer Acquisition Channel

  • App Installs /Customer Acquisition Channel

Easy Online Editor

Social Media Re-Marketing

Retarget each visitor to your landing pages overall social media ad networks

  • Facebook

  • Instagram

  • Twitter

  • Snap-chat

  • LinkedIn

  • GDN

Social Media Re-Marketing

Use Cases

can be used in various ways to address different business needs. Here are some specific use cases:

  • ‍Product Showcases: Create micro-pages to showcase individual products or product categories. Each page can feature high-quality images, descriptions, and direct links to purchase the products.

  • Limited-Time Offers: Promote flash sales, seasonal discounts, or special promotions on dedicated micro-pages. These pages can be easily updated to reflect the changing offers.

  • Social Media Profiles: Simplify the link in your social media bios. Instead of sharing multiple links, provide a single micro-page link that directs users to your website, blog, contact information, and social media accounts.

  • Affiliate Marketing: If you engage in affiliate marketing, you can create micro-pages to display the products or services you're promoting, complete with affiliate links.

  • Event Promotion: Whether it's a webinar, product launch, or in-store event, use micro-pages to provide all event details, RSVP options, and links for further information.

  • Portfolio Showcase: If you're a freelance designer, photographer, or artist, create micro-pages to showcase your work. Each page can focus on a specific project or style.

Use Cases

Convert Visitors into Clients



Pre-Designed Templates

Pre-Designed Templates

Single Image template ,Youtube,GIf , Image Sliders template ,etc

Smart CTA

Smart CTA

Detects user platform (mobile /desktop ) and based on it CTA buttons are generated, i.e Send SMS on mobile and open credit card pay page on desktop

Easy Online Editor

Easy Online Editor

Create landing pages with drag and drop builder for your marketing campaigns in a seconds..

WebPush ready

WebPush ready

Get Web Push Subscriptions from each click to MicroPages .